주 메뉴

Department Info.

Marine Energy Research Division


  • Various projects and R&D on marine equipment (heat/fluid, structure, atmospheric environment, noise, vibration, etc.)
  • R&D on nuclear and renewable energy equipment

Testing & Certification

  • R&D, experiment, and testing on marine equipment (heat/fluid, structure, atmospheric environment, noise, vibration, etc.)
  • Experiment and testing on nuclear and renewable energy

Business Planning & Operation

  • Establishing mid- to long-term R&D plan (marine equipment, nuclear power equipment and renewable energy equipment)
  • Developing a talent pool for the marine equipment industry
  • Technology development consortium through industry-institute cooperation

Business Support Service

  • Technical guidance, transfer of research results and follow-up services to businesses
  • Technical consulting regarding technological improvement, and quality/productivity improvement to marine equipment and nuclear and renewable energy equipment suppliers
  • Seminars and lectures
  • Provide information for improve technical expertise in marine equipment and nuclear and renewable energy industries